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What we do...



Academically excellent students / servant leaders

with high moral standards, spiritually and 

psychologically equipped to face the challenges of life

and become a role model in our society.



Agenda of bridging gaps between school personnel 

and parents thereby insights from both ends are discussed; henceforth communications are made accessible at any given chance; positive reinforcement is encouraged that students develop further

their talents and skills optimizing their full potentials; preparing them altogether with their parents,

 to become more family-oriented, responsible citizens and Godly leaders of the land.



A program to enable them to handle the challenges of life practically Godly without prejudice to the laws

of the land. That we may lead the way towards dutifully shaping and molding Godly people / servant leaders in a real world as our Creator wants them to be. 



A caring and creative environment, to appropriately promote safe, orderly, and supportive culture of

positive and healthy relationship by and among students, educators, parents and support groups. 


So help us God!



Educational  Technological Ltd.

Educational Technological Ltd.

Educational  Technological Ltd.

Educational Technological Ltd.

Educational  Technological Ltd.

Educational Technological Ltd.


Technologies Ltd.


We use multimedia & interactive instructional mateials from ETL

(Educational Technologies Ltd.) 


To develop the students Multiple intellegence



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